
Explore My News,
Thoughts & Inspiration



For those of you who read
my blog and have not been updated, I have been home for four weeks. I broke my
covenant that I agreed to in order to attend the trip. In result, I was sent


The time at “home” has
been extremely beneficial for me. God has continued to reveal things to me to
help me with what I am trying to give up to Him. I say “home” because I feel
like my real home is in Africa. This past week
I started working at my church helping out with our annual Christmas “pageant”,
for lack of better word, which has consumed much of my time. I have enjoyed
helping though. While I have been home, I’ve read a book called “Crazy Love” by
Francis Chan. I recommend this book to anybody who is curious about God, and
His love for us. Crazy Love has been a real eye and heart opener for me.. God
has some crazy love for His children. I have also been recording all the songs
that God gave me while I was in Africa. It has
been a long, but very fun process for me. It has been fun sharing these songs
with my friends and family. Also having friends play and sing with me while I
record has been a huge blessing.



When I was sent home I
was given a list of things I had to do to come back. One of these things was to
meet with a mentor while I was home. God told me exactly who he wanted my
mentor to be. My mentor and I met once a week to talk about what I was doing,
what God was and is doing, and what my plan is to prevent future selfish



My pride was constantly
getting in the way of my walk with Christ. I was in desperate need to get rid
of it. My teammates were keeping me accountable and my leaders were willing to
help. I was so grateful that I had, and still have, such a supportive team. My
other team was just as supportive. My family has been nothing but kind and
supportive of me. I’ve felt extremely encouraged by my family and friends while
I’ve been home.



Along with the pride
there is a need for selflessness. I need to continue to find ways to “say no to
myself”, which is my reminder from my mom on a daily basis. Thanks mom ;).
Also, I started writing a song that I felt God was pressing on my heart. The
line “Maybe I forgot to remember to sever myself from me” came out and gave me
another realization about my pride. I need to remember how big God is and how
small I am. Having that mind set should change the subject matter of my speech
from me to Him.


The past few days have
been very, very exciting and brought me a great sense of relief. I had a
conversation with Tag, my leader, and he let me know that he talked with my
mentor and that I am going back! This occurred on Tuesday and Wednesday I got
the information that I will be in Port
Elizabeth! I was very excited to hear this news even
though I will not be able to see the team that will be going to Swazi until
May. I miss my team an extreme amount and cannot wait to be reunited with them!
I hope that I will get a chance to visit my boys at Joshua Project at some
point since I will be within driving distance of J- bay.



Here are a few things
that you can be praying about for me and my family (team).

As the Christmas holiday comes, there are some who are
flying home and some who are staying. For those who are coming home pray that
their mission mindset stays with them. For those who are staying, that they
have a sense of peace as they will be missing their families. Also for God to go
before us and prepare the way for us and our ministries.

Thanks guys for all of your support!!

People who are obsessed with God are known as givers,
not takers. Obsessed people genuinely think that others matter as much as they
do, and they are particularly aware of those who are poor around the world.
(James 2 : 14 – 26)

“Crazy Love” – Francis Chan

Seriously, read this book….

Reaping the benefits of

Kevin King


8 responses to “Well, its been a while…”

  1. Kev – I am so very happy that you will be returning to Africa:)

    I know that it was “purposed” for you to return home for this time period and also “purposed” for you to go back. In reading your blog, I can clearly see your desire to return and do everything God has called you to do and I am glad things have worked out for your return.

    Much love,


  2. “We can expect to find humility applauded in our society as often as we find God applauded—which means almost never.”John Piper
    It is hard not to “serve the Lord” as a means of receiving the applause of men. Only a hard look at grace as it is applied to our depravity will keep us humble. Dude…never ever believe your press.

  3. Kevin I am so excited that you will be joining us in PE. Im praying for you. Let me know if there is anything that we can do for you. See you in Jan.

  4. KEVIN!!! Im so happy your going to be in PE with me! I need another Canadian, and you are the cloest to that. Im so proud of you and Im looking forward to serving with you soon. I’ll be praying for you. Merry Christmas! God loves you.
    Lova Lova.

  5. Good to hear you will be heading back to Africa. Praying for you that God will refine your life and get you ready for your return.